nothing to say

James Hand
2 min readAug 18, 2021

nothing to say
i have nothing to say
fists to throw and knuckles to whiten and teeth to grind and eyes to widen
but nothing to say
i have nothing to say
shoulders to shrug and brows to raise and tears to shed and eyes to gaze
but nothing to say
i have nothing to say

so the sun might swallow the earth
and i wish i could be here to see it
to know, in the end, this all was just pretend
we’re not hot shit yet, but we’ll be it

nothing to say
i have nothing to say
a head to shake and hands to fold and feet to kick and glares to hold
but nothing to say
i have nothing to say
nails to bite and pulse to feel and neck to twist and cuts to heal
but nothing to say
i have nothing to say

so we’re due for a kind of rebirth
there’s a watershed coming, there must be
we can’t, i don’t think, just stay here on this brink
you don’t have to hear me to trust me

nothing to say
i have nothing to say
keys to type and calls to make and talks to give and ice to break
but nothing to say
i have nothing to say
roads to run and corners to turn and bridges to cross and routes to learn
but nothing to say
i have nothing to say

so i write this, whatever it’s worth
and i force all these rhymes for a reason
it structures the dread storming out of my head
i feel fine; it’s just hurricane season

nothing to say
i have n



James Hand

I don't know what else to do with these words, so here, you have them.